Now is the time to take advantage of federal, regional and state electronic vehicle (EV) incentive programs that can save you thousands to millions of dollars while future-proofing your business.
Installing EV charging stations is not only a smart investment with long-term ROI, it’s also the clean, green choice for 2021 and beyond. Forbes reported that 87 percent of consumers have a more positive image of a company that supports social or environmental issues; and 88 percent are more likely to remain loyal to an eco-conscious company.
Here is a quick overview of ways you can get started and save with EV Charger incentives.
2020 30C Tax Credit — Extended
The 2020 30C Tax Credit has been extended through 2021. The 30C credit covers 30% of the cost of a qualified property, up to $30,000 for businesses per location and $1,000 for a taxpayer’s primary residence. For property sold to a tax-exempt entity, such as a school or hospital, the seller of the property might be able to claim the credit.
SCE's Charge Ready Program
Southern California Edison (SCE) is expanding and ramping up to make the planning and installation of electric vehicle charging stations at your business or multi-family property a breeze. With SCE's expanded program options and rebate opportunities coming this summer, you’ll be prepared to meet the growing demand for EV charging stations for passenger vehicles that serve your customers, employees, and tenants.
The California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project (CALeVIP) is operated by the Center for Sustainable Energy on behalf of the California Energy Commission. CALeVIP is an umbrella organization for dozens of different rebate programs that might be available to you, depending on your location, business, and other factors. Depending on the size and scope of your EV charging infrastructure purchase, the potential value of these rebates ranges from hundreds to millions of dollars.
Southern California
Southern California has approved some of the largest electric vehicle charging programs in the country. These include programs from SCE, SDGE, LADWP, and several other utilities.
Ready to get started? Casco EV helps you qualify for incentives, plan, design and install with ease.
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